Summer Week 4
LETTUCE - salad with croutons + cukes
BASIL - herbed zucchini salad
SUMMER SQUASH - herbed zucchini salad
BROCCOLI - best broccoli salad
RED SCALLIONS - herbed zucchini salad
CABBAGE - okonomiyaki time
CHARD - power breakfast with poached eggs
CAULIFLOWER - marinated salad
MILD MIX - salad with croutons + cukes
CUCUMBERS - with croutons in salad
LETTUCE - salad with croutons + cukes
BASIL - herbed zucchini salad
SUMMER SQUASH - herbed zucchini salad
BROCCOLI - best broccoli salad
RED SCALLIONS - herbed zucchini salad
CABBAGE - okonomiyaki